Using The Events Calendar Plugin with Timber and Twig

  1. Ensure the Timber Plugin or Composer dependency is installed

  2. Install the Events Calendar Plugin

    • This works for the free version. If using the paid version of the plugin – you might have to modify the other steps.

  3. Activate the Events Calendar Plugin

  4. Create the template file for the override

    • Create a file at the following location inside the Timber theme tribe/events/v2/default-template.php

  5. Add the code to the template file

    • See code snippet 1 below

  6. Render the markup in twig

    • See code snippet 2

Code Snippet 1


 * Default Events Template
 * @package TribeEventsCalendar
 * @version 4.6.23

use Tribe\Events\Views\V2\Template_Bootstrap;

if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
	die( '-1' );

$context = Timber::get_context();
$context['tribe_markup'] = tribe( Template_Bootstrap::class )->get_view_html();
Timber::render( array( 'events.twig' ), $context );

Code Snippet 2

  <div class="events-container">

More related information can be found here
