Chris Mcintosh
Chris Mcintosh

Blog - My Latest Writings

Why Are All My Alpine.js Animations Firing at The Same Time?


Alpine.js represents an incredibly potent suite of utilities in a small and cohesive package. One of my favorite directives in Alpine has been the x-transition attribute. The x-transition attribute makes it really easy to add tasteful transitions to your markup. I encountered a challenge when I tried to animate a list...

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How to Trigger a Livewire Method from Outside a Livewire Component


Alpine.js and Livewire are two of the most popular JavaScript frameworks for Laravel. Alpine is a lightweight framework that allows you to add interactivity to your web pages without having to write a lot of code. Livewire is a framework that allows you to build interactive web pages with server-side logic. Alpi...

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How to Test File Uploads in Laravel


Laravel makes it really easy to test if a file was uploaded in phpunit. Lets take a look at what it it takes to test for files. Lets say that we have a method containing the following code that we want to test. GetFile.php The corresponding test that would provide coverage for that code is the following. GetFileT...

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Time Saving Shell Aliases For Laravel Sail


I find it tiring to type the same long commands out repeatedly. When working locally, I’m currently using Laravel Sail for my environment. Laravel Sail describes itself using the following. Laravel Sail  is a light-weight command-line interface for interacting with Laravel’s default Docker development environment....

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How To Conditionally Display an Algolia Filter using Vue InstantSearch


I needed to conditionally display a filter in Algolia. I was using vue.js to put the UI together for the site. Conditional display of the filter should be an easy thing but apparently Algolia recently removed easy access to the UI state object. You can find other reported instances of this issue here https://github.c...

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Using The Events Calendar Plugin with Timber and Twig


Ensure the Timber Plugin or Composer dependency is installed Install the Events Calendar Plugin This works for the free version. If using the paid version of the plugin – you might have to modify the other steps. Activate the Events Calendar Plugin Create the template file for the override Create a file at the fol...

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Use Webpack Without Writing a Webpack Config


I doubt you got into web development because of your desire to write Webpack configs. You shouldn’t have to waste hours to create your bundles. Webpack can sometimes feel like this unagreeable middleman if you haven’t spent significant time with the documentation and hands on experience. Even if you do have conside...

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How To Merge Unrelated Git Histories With Conflicts


I recently took over a project that was hosted on WP Engine. When I took over the project I didn’t have a git repository for it. I could have pulled from WP Engine initially – but I didn’t. I downloaded from a WP Engine backup instead and committed this to my new git repository. This was the start of my problem. The c...

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